Virtual Tutoring
Tutoring service provided for grades Pre-K -5th grade.
S.T.E.M. & Gourmet
A program that teaches students about different areas of Science, Technology, Education, Math, and Culinary Arts. The S.T.E.M. component of the program will include projects centered on their subjects. The Gourmet component with a focus on Culinary Arts. The areas of focus will be learning how to prep, cook, present, and serve food.
Annual Event
World Prematurity Day
Our Annual workshop brings awareness to "Premature Babies" in conjunction with the book and short film "The Premature Case of Me'.
The AA Rewards Program
A rewards program in collaboration with the PTO. The mission is to increase attendance and improve grades. Students will agree to attend school everyday and agree to achieve a require g.p.a. they strive to uptain. If the student successfully achieve their required g.p.a. in addition to improving their attendance, they will recieve their reward.
Mr. Sal's Back To School Drive & Giveaway
Our Annual Back To School Giveaway will be targeted to children in need of school supplies, clothing, and essential needs.
The Legacy Writings Scholarship Program
A need-based scholarship program that will help High School students with important needs such as books, tuition assistance, transportation costs, clothing, and housing essentials.
Family Programs
Parenting For Parents
A support program that assist mothers with emotional, social, and parenting skills.